How would your life change? Your relationships? Your health? Your business?
I was recently in a healing circle where the women got to meet a spirit guide. Regardless of the question they posed at the onset of their exploration, each one emerged from their spiritual journey with a similar message – be in your true essence. Just do it.
Whether the question was about personal growth, relationships, spiritual development, or business pursuits… the answer was - be in your essence. Just do it.

For me, the path to being embodied in my true essence began by noticing where I felt conflicted. I started paying attention to what was true for me, and I inevitably noticed what was not.
I began to see what was merely an expectation of my culture, a family role, a patriarchal story, a personal narrative, an inherited belief, and so forth. Once I had that knowledge, I could see them for what they were - simply templates placed over me - and I could consciously decide if I wanted to plug my energy into them or not.
What a sense of peace and clarity, and even a bit of magic, to feel sovereign and intentionally connected to my world.
No matter what you desire or want to create in your life, being in your true essence is the answer.
This is why I offer a safe and sacred space of support and acceptance where you can show up real, raw, and unedited to peel back the layers of templates on your life. My healing work is potent, elegant, and empowering because it literally engages more of your brain and awareness and taps into your true essence.
Let’s get to know your pure and powerful essence, and let’s dismantle whatever is getting in the way of powerfully embodying it.
Time to change your world. Just by being who you are.
1 month of impeccable coaching, healing, and support includes 3 transformational one-on-one sessions, Voxer or Messenger support, Sovereign Soul Activation resources, and access to Glimmer Academy courses.
Are you ready?
Schedule a free consult (let's talk!), or
Reserve your space now (spaces are limited).
Be powerful and true,

Brandi Edinger has been a successful entrepreneur, healer, coach, and teacher in the wellness industry for nearly two decades. She is a champion of wild and wise women, a transformation and empowerment maven, and a total nature nerd.
She is outrageously passionate about supporting other women, healers, and changemakers to heal themselves, facilitate healing for others, be powerfully embodied, and tap into their gifts. She will tell you that her jam and utter joy are helping you activate the Wise Woman within you by showing you how to access your unmistakable deeper wisdom and the unequivocal intelligence of your body, so you can create a life of intention, magic, alignment, and hopefully some dancing in your kitchen.