
I am a Path Tender, Empowerment Nerd, Clarity Activator and Transformation Maven.
Through my background as a Mentor, Coach, Massage Therapist, Activation Reiki Master, BodyMind Bridge Healer, Hypnotherapist, Teacher, and Vision Poet, I have dedicated my life to healing and helping people activate their power, clarity and gifts.
I am here to help you connect with your clarity and the wisdom of your Creative Divine Mind, so you can access clear thinking, intuition, and guidance whenever you want. I act as a portal for you to connect with your deep wisdom and your innate ability to self-heal. I will help you discover the tools you need to make any changes you desire, to release thoughts and behaviors that are no longer serving you, to heal anything physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, and to clear whatever may be holding you back.
Helping you to truly stand in your power and align with your unique purpose is my calling and my utter joy.
A little background about my healing work -
I graduated from Alexandar School of Natural Therapeutics with over 650 hours of instruction including therapeutic massage, spa, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, and oriental medicine, and I have held a Washington State Massage Practitioner License since 2004. My extensive continuing education includes Advanced Stretching, Structural Relief Therapy, Advanced Massage Cupping Certification, Harmonic Massage, and more.
I have practiced Reiki since 2004, became a Reiki Master in 2011, and have since developed Activation Reiki - an empowering interactive way for people to connect with their energy, intuition, and power.
I became a Certified BodyMind Bridge practitioner and Registered Hypnotherapist in 2016 because I fell in love with the work as it aligned with my purpose and passion for empowering clients to heal and make lasting and deep changes in their lives. In 2017 I became advanced certified in BodyMind Bridge Healing, as well as completed my yoga teacher training to further help my clients foster their mind-body awareness as a resource. In 2020 I began collaborating with A Community Wellness Clinic to bring BodyMind Empowerment Coaching to their patients, and in 2021 I became one of the first BodyMind Bridge Instructors to be trained by Shuna Morelli, founder of the BodyMind Bridge Institute. I have been relishing bringing this work to the world and to other healers and changemakers ever since!